...for your general enlightenment.
"Idleness makes the devil's heart grow fonder."
"An apple a day gets the worm."
"The early bird doesn't fall far from the tree."
"A bowl of cherries is like a box of chocolates."
"Cleanliness is next to a dog's new tricks."
"A sucker born is a penny earned."
"A penny saved is the devil's playground."
"Diamonds are a man's best castle."
"Absence is a girl's best friend."
"Like father, we fall."
"Life is like son."
"Slow and steady is a joy forever."
"A stitch in time wins the race."
"Birds of a feather bite the hand that feeds you."
"If at first you don't succeed, speak louder than words."
Reading at Writ & Vision Thursday
I'm going to be doing a reading at Writ & Vision in downtown Provo at 7 pm
this Thursday.
I'm excited: I love to read my work, but I don't actually do so v...
5 years ago